Information On Scouts
What is Scouts? Scouting encourages the development of Young People and Improvement of society through Fun, Friendship, Adventure and Challenge In Scouts: Young people join Scouting to be part of a network of young people committed to make a difference in their local, national and international communities. Adolescents are offered a wide range of activities which challenge them and help them to engage fully in civil society.
Young people take increasing responsibility for the planning and delivery of their own programme Young people work in small groups, called patrols The youth programme for adolescents offers opportunities for young people to prepare their ‘life-plan’ and develop ‘life-skills’.
Young people are coached and assisted in developing the skills to participate in decision-making and encouraged to use these skills in Scouting and in society. Young peole are supported and guided by adult volunteers on their journey of self-education.
Quotations from Lord Robert Baden-Powell, Founder of Scouting:
‘The secret of sound education is to get each pupil to learn for himself, instead of instructing him by driving knowledge into him on a stereotyped system.’
‘It is the Patrol System that makes the Troop, and all Scouting for that matter, a real co-operative matter.’
‘We never fail when we try to do our duty, we always fail when we neglect to do it.’
‘Leave this world a little better than you found it.’